
purpose of the visual ID
menu is to make it as easy as possible to identify a particular
set using loose pets or accessories - it's especially handy if
you've purchased a Littlest Pet Shop lot online and are trying
to sort out the various pieces. If you have a particular
pet and aren't sure what year it was released, what Assortment it
was released in, or what the name of its set was, this is a great way to
identify it.
For LPS sets and playsets, this
guide is organized by species...if, for example, you are trying
to identify a cream-colored kitten, you can refer to the "Cats"
section and browse the photos until you recognize the kitten
you're looking for.
Merchandise (puzzles, books, etc.) is listed
separately and is organized according
to category.
Merpet is in two
categories: one,
according to the real animal that it's associated with
(the Guppy Puppy, for instance, is listed in the
"Dogs" category); two, the Fantasy
Animals category.
Miscellaneous small sea
creatures - clams,
lobsters, seahorses,
& starfish - are listed
in the Fish category.
Other small sea creatures, such as octopi, have their own
Large storage Playcases are
listed in the Playsets
category. Playcases that include pets are additionally
listed in the pet's category.
Sets &
Playsets Categories:
Merchandise Categories: