the Site
Pet Shop Collector was launched on December 2nd, 2010. My
intention with LPSC has been to compile basic reference material
for the G1 LPS collection, to provide more detailed articles and
photos for serious collectors, and to give some
interactive opportunities as well. I hope to make the
reference section as thorough and accurate as possible, so it is
a constant work-in-progress.
grew up collecting Littlest Pet Shop.
In 2008, I started pulling my LPS collection out of storage
boxes and fell in love with these charming toys all over
again. I came upon the Kenner LPS Forum around that time
and was excited to have found such a tightly-knit community of
LPS collectors. I started to actively collect LPS again,
seeking out particular sets that I had either ignored as a child
or never managed to find in stores. Finally, I began to
photograph my collection and decided to put these photos to use
by creating Littlest Pet Shop Collector...I'm a very nostalgic
person, and working on this site has been such a fun trip down
memory lane!
Summer 2014
Clubhouse Kitties
(live screen capture)

Spring 2014
Tiny Tortoises
(live screen capture)

Twinkling Sledding Party
(live screen capture)

Autumn 2013
Zoo Indian Ponies
(live screen capture)

Summer 2013
Swimming Ducklings
(live screen capture)

Spring 2013
Zoo Shy Shetlands
(live screen capture)

Winter 2012/2013
Zoo Polar Pets
(live screen capture)

Autumn 2012
Chirpy Tree Friends
(live screen capture)

Summer 2012
Paw Print Club poster - Swan Family & Water Garden Kitties
(live screen capture)

Spring 2012
Jump 'n Splash Frogs
(live screen capture)

Winter 2011/2012
Ice Palace Ponies
(live screen capture)

Summer 2011
Country Home Carrycase
(offline image)

Spring 2011
Hop 'n Hide Bunnies
(offline image)

Twinkling Sledding Party
(offline image)

I owe a great deal of thanks to many people:
at the Kenner
Littlest Pet Shop Forum has been incredibly helpful and
creator of Zuse's
Guide to the Littlest Pet Shop, truly paved the way for
LPS fan sites with her incredibly thorough guide and inspired me to create this site.
of Littlest Pet Shop, which is no longer updated, was the first LPS guide I ever came
across and provided the skeleton for the
identification reference guide at LPSC.
of you collectors who continue to visit LPSC are the reason
I keep the site going!
The online Littlest Pet Shop community has so generously
provided a great deal of photos and information for use on
this site. LPSC has grown a so much thanks to their
efforts and contributions. Many thanks to these
collectors who have contributed their photos, videos, and/or